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Betrayal at the House on the Hill
Rosenlundsterassen, about 2 years ago by ollej
Playing a game of Betrayal. Who will be the traitor?
Robo Rally
@ollej, about 2 years ago by ollej
Played a short game of RoboRally.
Automated Alice
Agical, over 2 years ago by ollej
First time playing this kickstarted game about Automated Alice from Jeff Noons sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
Takpannevägen, almost 5 years ago
Really enjoy playing it with @Lavinia666.
Agical, almost 5 years ago
This is a great game, I should play it more often. Too bad I’m losing.
Agical, almost 5 years ago by ollej
Playing Zendo at the Agical game night to celebrate the #PyramidQuartet kickstarter.
Machi Koro
Agical, over 5 years ago by ollej
Playing a nice city building game.
Brewdog Södermalm, over 5 years ago by ollej
I lost big, but it was great anyway. It had the same choice anxiety as 7 Wonders.
Puerto Rico
Agical spelkväll, over 5 years ago by ollej
First time in ages I play this game. I should play it more often.
Flamme Rouge
Agical spelkväll, over 5 years ago by ollej
Peter won this bicycle race game. I wasn’t playing though. :)
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